Monday, 23 May 2011

Musings on Monday

Hello Chicas!
How are you?
I've had an influx of followers over the weekend so THANK YOU♥ and welcome.
I have another outfit post for you today, but I was getting a little worried my blog looks very egoistical and everything...I don't just want to post pictures of myself all the time so I'm sorry if it seems this way...well I have a LOT of spare time to myself now that I've nearly finished up at work, and since I don't have a new job yet I've been spending a lot more time on blogger looking at all your lovely blogs. You chicas really are beautiful and inspirational. I really enjoy reading your posts and some blogs that I really love I have actually spent hours reading the ENTIRE back log! If you are a new follower do post your blog links below and I will be sure to follow you and have a read of your blog if I haven't already!

My outfit is VERY casual and boring since I've been spending the past days stuck at home preparing presentations etc. But I hope you like it usual I have on my trusty sunnies!


Tee - H&M
Shorts - River Island

Lady Gaga
I've been listening to the new Lady Gaga album this afternoon...I have to say...I turned it off before I finished it. I love the Fame Monster but this is not really my cuppa tea. Maybe its a grower but right now its not doing much for me.Hair is a good tune though.

Selena & Justin
Just a small note about fashion - didn't Selena Gomez & JB look great at the Billboard awards last night? She is such a stunner, I'm starting to think she is prettier than him!


London After The Royal Wedding
Lastly, these pictures are a bit late in coming, but I am lazy and I only just edited them. The day of the Royal Wedding, I watched it from home as I could not face the crowds, but the day after, my Mum & I ended up taking a peaceful stroll down the Mall and Horse Guards Parade and I must say it was really enjoyable, and seeing all the beautiful flags made me feel very patriotic.


A small note about the soldiers, I did feel especially for the second soldier who I have a close up of. He was guarding near Horse Guards and people were just going right up into his face and shooting pictures of him and it was so warm, he must of been driven crazy with people trying to make him laugh! I gave him such sympathetic looks and he caught my eye just as I took the shot of him... I hope he didn't think I was being sarcastic when I held my camera up after all!

Hope you all are having lovely Mondays. I am off to my very first Zumba class tonight, I will report back tomorrow on how it is!


  1. Your outfit is lovely I love simple chic! I dont think showing your style is egotistical at all :) it's your blog you should post whatever you want :)

    Gorgeous photos I feel so sorry for the London soldiers too it must be so hard to keep a straight face!


  2. Love your outfit pictures and your outfit as well :)

  3. Lovely outfit m'dear, I really like your sunnies! x

  4. You look fab, love your hair :).

    Sadie xx

  5. so jealous of your hair in this! love the pictures of london after the wedding, proud to be british :)

  6. thanks for all your lovely words chicas, you really are too kind! honestly my hair is very thin and dry so i'm very flattered you like it! i'm actually starting a new hair regime which i hope will bring some life and lustre back into it..i'm hoping to do a post about it soon :D xx

  7. your outfit is great!! goood luck with the presentations!!

    lots of kissesss from spain!!! :)


  8. Your outfit is so cute!! I really like it!
    Justin and Selena are so cute together

  9. I love the way you edited those photos! x

  10. you seem like such a sweet person! i like your outfit, even if it is more simple! and selena did look gorgeous in that photo! :)

  11. thank you girls!!! i'm loving checking all your blogs out! you really make me so happy with all your nice words...thank you xxxx

  12. Love this outfit! The tshirt is a great summer colour!

    You have a great blog! Please check mine out, and if you like what I'm doing then feel free to follow or comment! I'd really appreciate the support. xx
